Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I enjoy the...simple things in life. The things people don't think about much. Christmas this past year, a lot of people were saying how they got all these cool gadgets. Me, none for me. I got simple, fun little things. The closest gift to technology I received was the CD. So, here are some simple little enjoyments I have.
Ah, my friends the penguins from the Aviary. I do know what kind of penguin they are, but it'd be wrong to share online. Ah a little pleasure I have.
There are my Moms iris's blooming in the garden. My favorite flower, especially if purple.
My side table of dogs. It's sort made to remember my two faithful dogs, Billie and Dodger.
Rick Riordan books. I have a whole shelf just for them. Obsession? Maybe....
Need I say more?
The piano is definably toward the top of the list of pleasures.
And of course, my camera. Oh, it is one of the greatest things ever.
I hoped you enjoyed this very much.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Today I started with the Iowa testing, and I will continue it tomorrow. Our SAT's aren't really for us, it's for our parents to see what they're doing wrong.
Anyway, I got a seat next to my friend Mackenzie. I saw three of my other friends too. Today was mostly the Language Arts part of the test, and Language Arts is NOT my strong suit. I'm more of a Math type of person. But that part comes tomorrow.
They say we can raise our hands if we have a question and someone will come help you, but most of the hands went up when we were filling out our information, like our name, when we were born, and all that stuff. Barely any hands went up during the actual test.
Anyway, please pray I survive tomorrow.

Friday, March 23, 2012


So now that spring has started, I better get started on my list. Tonight, I will accomplish #19: See all my old nieghborhood friends.
We're having a potluck tonight, and my mom invited all the old neighbors. They can all come. So tonight, it'll be just like the old days. Running around having fun. It'll be great.
All my old neighbors moved away so then I was all alone. It's been awhile since I've seen them all. At least a year. Everyone will be different but it'll be fun. I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today is my moms' birthday. I love how she has been there for me all fourteen years of my life, and she always will be.
I made her a card (because homemade ones are the best) with a poem I wrote:
I know you'll be there
I feel safe in you arms
I know you'll protect me
From all of lifes harms
I got her a bracelet with tiny little stones strung on it, and in the middle a heart with a 'B' on it. I got it on our recent trip to Great Wolf Lodge. My sister and I went with a friend and his family, so it was a perfect time to see if I could find something for her birthday.
I walked in the gift shop and saw it, and it was the only one with a 'B' on it. Since I was planning to buy it the next day, I hid behind the same three necklaces that instead had the name 'Erin' on it to grantee it would still be there when I went back.
Anyway, I hope my Mom has an amazing birthday. I love her.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


The cherry blossom is starting to bloom. This makes me happy.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Everyone has a special link at classes. Although you may not personally know everybody there, everyone there is friends with everyone.

Guitar: In guitar we mostly reviewed on some of the basic things, since there will be a test in two weeks. Our homework, is to do something with our guitar, as long as we DON'T smack someone in the head with, even though it can be tempting.

Journalism: In journalism we had to bring in a comic strip that we read and enjoy. It wasn't a surprise when more than one person brought in the same comic strip. Four people brought in Peanuts. Three people did Garfield. I did Pearls Before Swine. Someone did Baby Blues, someone did Pickles, and someone did Foxtrot. That's all I can remember. Then we talked about Editorial Cartoons. We have to do one that homeschooling middle schoolers can relate too.

Watercolor: We went down to the farm right next to the church we have classes and we got to paint whatever we wanted (as long as we didn't get in the way ). My friends Erin, Emile and I painted the chickens. When we first got there, the chickens thought we had food so they all crowded around the fence and they were really loud. Then they figured out we didn't have food so the started walking off.

Improv: In Improv we played a new game. Mrs. Abbot chooses a fairy tale. She figures out how many characters we need and she calls up that many volunteers. Then they have to reenact it in One minute Thirty seconds. Then they do it again but in a minute. Then thirty seconds, fifteen seconds, and last but not least, five seconds. You can image how crazy it is when it gets down to five seconds. I was Little Red Riding Hood, and when it got down to fifteen seconds, Ibi, who was the woodsman, decided it would be quicker to just shoot the wolf with a gun, than to walk up and chop off it's head.

Volleyball: We played against Hampshire View. our team almost beat them. We lost by two points. most of the kids in study hall came out to watch us play. It was a fun day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Being sick stinks. I mean, you feel miserable, and you want to do nothing but sleep. I have a stomach bug at the moment. Although I am feeling better, I will not be going to piano, or choir today. All that is left to do is hope I'll be well enough tomorrow to go to Thursday Classes. I do not want to miss classes.
One year in the fifth grade I had a stomach bug and all I did that Sunday was drink ginger ale and sleep. You can image how hungry I must've been the next day. Well, my Mom didn't want me to give whatever I had to my friend who used to homeschool with us so the whole day I got to sit on the stairs and do my work there. Fun.
Anyway, I must go now.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I had an awesome birthday yesterday. It wasn't rushed or busy so we could relax a little bit. We had Seria Turkey Sandwhiches, follwed by Blueberry Muffin Cake. And I got some nice presents from my family. My sister gave me a clock that makes a different bird sound every hour, and my parents gave me a bird necklace, a 'How to Draw Birds with Colored Pencils' book, and an big and heavy book that has almost every bird in the world in it. My Mom said 'It's a birdy birthday for someone who's cukoo'

Monday, March 5, 2012


March 5th, 2012. One last day.
Ahh...just have to survive today, and when I wake up tomorrow, I'll be fourteen. My last day of being thirteen. I can't wait. I feel like I will be an official teenager once I'm fourteen. Thirteen is teenage years as well, but for some reason fourteen seems like that's when it's official.
I remember when I turned three I got some froggy rainboots, and I loved them so much I exclaimed I was going to wear them to bed.
My 12th birthday was on a Saturday, and my 13th birthday was on a Sunday, so I thought "Sweet! I can sleep in a little on my birthday" those two years. Well, I wanted to at least sleep in till eight, but no, my sister had to wake me up at seven both years. Now I have to wait four years for my birthday to land on a weekend.
But I have tomorrow to look forward too. I can't wait!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


March 4, 2012. Two more days!
This is my fiftith post. It's quite exciting, but that's not why I'm here.
I can hardly contain my excitment for my birthday. I already had a party that was fun, but we stayed up much later than we should have... We played a bunch of games which were so much fun, and we had pizza, and some ice cream. Then we did preasents and we watched a movie. Than we played some more games.
In the morning we had some pancakes and we were going to play pretend, but as soon as we were ready everyones parents came at almost the same time. Itwas fun.