Sunday, June 17, 2012


Tomorrow is the start of VBS (Vacation Bible School) at my church. A day camp through out the week for those in PreK-5th grade. Sine I am to old to be a camper, I'll be a Junior counselor.
It is Hard to believe it is my third year of helping already! I remember when I first started.

2010- My Mom was always the Rec leader. I loved to go to that class because I would get to see my Mom. So In knew that I wanted to be junior counselor with her. That was a fun year. I remember the last day. We were doing the mento and coca-cola experiment. We had tubes which we would stick the mentos in. Then we would pull the pin, run, and watch the coke blow sky-high. Well, we were doing four at a time. So the four of us (me and the other junior counselors) were getting ready. Well, VJ accidentally pulled his pin. The other two noticed and ran, but I didn't. He tried to stop it with his thumb. I got sprayed with coca-cola.

2011- I decided to help with Rec again. That year was HOT! So we didn't do as many running activities, but more science activities. We made slime one day, and we also made ice cream on the last day.

This year- This year, I decided to do something different. I'm helping the littlest kids, and I believe my friend Julia will be helping as well. This is going to be a fun year!

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